
Basic Data Structure

1. Driver Dictionary:

  entryName1: {val: "...", onOff: true|false},
  entryName2: {val: "...", onOff: true|false},

EntryNames stand for the targets you might want to modify (e.g. language, seat position, AC temperature and etc.)


  1. defaultDriverDictionary: data of the default driver
  2. originalCustomDictionary: original data for users to modify
  3. customizedDictionary: modified data by users
  4. systemDictionary: temporary dictionary currently in use in the system. (When customized process finished or the “custom” driver is switched, systemDictionary will be written into customizedDictionary according to the fine-grained “onOff” values.)

2. flowChartTree node:

The following tree is generated by flow chart.

  1. Activity tree node:
      val: "...",
      type: "activity",
      left: null,
      middle: ...,
      right: null,
    • val stands for the content of the node (e.g. Vehicle key detection)
    • type Problem determination or normal activity
    • left, middle, right are three child nodes (or null)
  2. Judge tree node
      val: {
           state: "...",
           leftCondition: "...",
           middleCondition: "...",
           rightCondition: "...",
      type: "judge",
      left: ...,
      middle: ...,
      right: ...,

Webpage Operation:

  1. Pick a driver
  2. If the user select “custom”, he/she could modify all the settings. Otherwise, he/she could only modify the External Setting.
  3. Press “Run” button


The entire process strictly follows the steps in the flowchart in sequence

Data storage:


Phone Control

This pedal simulates some basic operation buttons on users’ phone.

External Settings

  1. This panel allows users to simulate different weather conditions, which might influence the vehicle mode and behavior.

Pick a Driver

  1. This panel requires users to select a driver.
  2. All the available users are listed here.
  3. When users click on a driver, relevant information will be displayed.

Internal Settings

  1. This panel allows users to adjust personal settings.
  2. Those changes will be saved only when the corresponding switches (in the phone panel) are turned on.

Flow Chart

  1. This panel shows the current step, previous step and following step(s).
  2. This panel is just for display and cannot be edited directly.


  1. This panel simulates a real terminal and displays information users might be interested.