Basic Data Structure
1. Driver Dictionary:
entryName1: {val: "...", onOff: true|false},
entryName2: {val: "...", onOff: true|false},
EntryNames stand for the targets you might want to modify (e.g. language
, seat position
, AC temperature
and etc.)
- val stands for the current value of the entry.
- onOff stands for the control over whether the modified data is to be saved or not.
- defaultDriverDictionary:
data of the default driver
- originalCustomDictionary:
original data for users to modify
- customizedDictionary:
modified data by users
- systemDictionary:
temporary dictionary currently in use in the system. (When customized process finished or the “custom” driver is switched, systemDictionary will be written into customizedDictionary according to the fine-grained “onOff” values.)
2. flowChartTree node:
The following tree is generated by flow chart.
- Activity tree node:
val: "...",
type: "activity",
left: null,
middle: ...,
right: null,
- val stands for the content of the node (e.g.
Vehicle key detection
- type Problem determination or normal activity
- left, middle, right are three child nodes (or null)
- Judge tree node
val: {
state: "...",
leftCondition: "...",
middleCondition: "...",
rightCondition: "...",
type: "judge",
left: ...,
middle: ...,
right: ...,
- val.state stands for the judge statement (e.g.
Driver Memory =
- val.left/middle/rightCondition stands for the condition on the left/middle/right branch (e.g.
) if this path does exist.
Webpage Operation:
- Pick a driver
- If the user select “custom”, he/she could modify all the settings. Otherwise, he/she could only modify the
External Setting
- Press “Run” button
The entire process strictly follows the steps in the flowchart in sequence
- All steps are triggered by Python code step by step.
- Every step calls a function to push on the flow chart shown in the website.
- Activity nodes move directly to its middle child node (left and right is null)
- Judge nodes will decide which child to move on according to the statement and real time values.
- Every step accomplish the associated operation.
Data storage:
- Driver-related data are stored and can be accessed via
- Images are stored in firebasestorage.googleapis
Phone Control
This pedal simulates some basic operation buttons on users’ phone.
At the top
- This panel shows user’s avatar and personal welcome word.
- The button is an overall control for the phone. If the user turns off this button, all the other button in the phone will be turned off and disabled.
- This panel allows users to modify some system configs and driving environment inside the vehicle.
- This panel is full of switches. If a switch is turned on, the modified data of this entry will be saved.
External Settings
- This panel allows users to simulate different weather conditions, which might influence the vehicle mode and behavior.
Pick a Driver
- This panel requires users to select a driver.
- All the available users are listed here.
- When users click on a driver, relevant information will be displayed.
Internal Settings
- This panel allows users to adjust personal settings.
- Those changes will be saved only when the corresponding switches (in the phone panel) are turned on.
Flow Chart
- This panel shows the current step, previous step and following step(s).
- This panel is just for display and cannot be edited directly.
- This panel simulates a real terminal and displays information users might be interested.